Ealesy101 Loving the pop of yellow colour with this! Excited to see how the Essential Space is utilised by the Community and how it can evolve going forwards. Excited to use it and let it help me be more mindful with my device.
yukilab🇯🇵 sheldon. It’s quite frustrating that Essential Space can’t be used on the Phone (2) or (2a). Is it due to AI performance limitations? Or is it just for differentiation? If it’s technically possible, they should make it available.
VAMSHI KRISHNA We have seen in many phones already what so special and why now? Or simply being like apple?
Alexshax VAMSHI KRISHNA You could at least try to find out what it is. What does Apple have to do with it?
Marko Ilya_derkach to be honest, I’ll probably assign mute / vibrate to this to mimic OnePlus slider. That would be a game changer.
randomperson32 what if its available for 2a and older in nos 3.1 to activate it hold the power and volume down because pressing these two combination are screenshot shortcut but if you hold it, it would make sense to activate essential space.
IchBinAran Is essential space going to be available on other devices too or it’ll only be available for nothing phone 3a series? As you know google has a similar feature for screenshots and it was announced recently but they added the feature to all of their devices. Is it going to be the same thing with nothing too?
RapidZapper IchBinAran Hey We don’t know all the details yet but for now it’s only available for Phone (3a) series which make sense because it take advantage of the new key which is only present on these.
Subtle_Participant01 RapidZapper Please make it available for older devices, I’ve 2a plus. Thanks in advance.
IchBinAran RapidZapper well I mean they can introduce some other ways to activate the feature like double pressing the power button or sth
Tonly3D There will be a possibility that essential space Will there be a chance that essential space will also be available on cmf phones or in any case on phones that do not have the essential button? As an application to open “manually” without the aid botton, this could however “take away” hype from the new models but at the same time it would allow other users to discover the new function that seems very useful
Adam Honestly, I think you have to give the user the right to disable this button, or assign other functionality. Y’all are creating and fast and responsive software experience with great customisation, and the ability to choose whether you want an AI assistant should also be there. I’d probably end up remapping this button. This is literally my only concern about this device.