Rivan Keerthin I’m also on the Beta version, which was why I was asking if the update was released for the Beta channel or the Stable one. And since he says that he managed to install it after extracting, I’m assuming that he himself didn’t receive the update, but extracted the APK from someone’s phone who got the update. Also, after seeing titanOmega’s screenshot, it seems like the update is released in the Stable channel and not the Beta one.
Nicol_s_XmgnXEMWGu Abhinav Looks good, especially the animation but I don’t know something bothers me somehow. I think the big tiles
zadock It’s a beautiful upgrade. I would like to see the Humidity, Sunrise, Air Quality, etc, as widgets to use in the homescreen. I simply rolling into beta version in Play Store.
devisandeep7 Update now available in India too . Search Nothing Weather app in Play Store and update directly. Its not showing in regular available updates.
Keerthin BRO! it doesn’t show on the updates tab in playstore!!? I have been checking on the updates tab, I opened the weather app info and now got it….
KarlKeppler titanOmega I’m in the US, nothing on the Play store here for the new weather app. Still on the old one, no updates…