PrakashGadhveer Which one is more secure and better for us give me suggestions and comments your idea’s
davidjojua Can someone explain to me why we have two separate apps: a dialer and a contacts app? Why can’t we just use the dialer, since it already includes contacts?
Ali Fakhruddin KifayathKhan We have started working on it already. If you see my tweets I have shared some of the new UI designs and our developer Aryan has started fixing the bugs. But we aren’t working full time as we have other priorities too. So we are working on it as much time we have apart from our routine.
Alexshax Today, I remembered the calling app for the Sailfish OS (Jolla)… Oh, if only someone could make something like that. Or at least the incoming call screen and the call conversation screen. That would be awesome.
Ali Fakhruddin Aryan16s It will be available internally for testing for now. Cant promise anything at the moment but lets see.
Ali Fakhruddin KifayathKhan Aryan16s I wanted to ask you guys. Dont you use Video calls through Whatsapp in India? Also, i think it wont be in this update as we have to try using different sim cards as i believe it works only on Jio to Jio or same cellular, might be mistaken. So no promises, we will try but it might be in the future and not nimbus update.
patrikpatrik_Patrik_ such a nice app but I had to uninstall it because no matter if DND is on, calls still pop up which is really annoying when you are sending a long voice message and have to start over because you got a call
NamitAgarwal Ali Fakhruddin bro i don’t wanna listen to any BS, just make it live on play store, this verison is what i was waiting for
graphi.cb Ali Fakhruddin Ne zaman yayınlanır? Gerçekten çok güzel görünüyor. Birde Türkçe dil seçeneğini de dikkate alır mısınız? (Aslında Nothing Font için de bunu umuyorum ama ne yazık “Ş” ,“Ç”, “Ğ”, “Ö”,“İ” gibi harfler eksik! Bunu kime bildirmek gerekli?)
Ali Fakhruddin graphi.cb Hey brother. Thanks. We are keeping languages for the future. So for now the focus is on the UI and bugs fixes.