I have been using this phone for more than 3 weeks and i am not happy with this comical relief they call battery, it’s 5000 mah and the max i get out of it is 3:25 to 30 mins!!? Like I’m lost as to how to check the battery health or if it’s a software issue but I’m so not happy. When I had so much expectations for it and don’t get me started on the charging speed, if you’re going to send a phone without an adaptor atleast make it compatible with your own, false advertising, just creating a hype and that glyph light or just glorified led are useless in real life situations, you have total of 4 phones to manage and you can’t even do it right ,the capped processor, worthless battery life, no support on your service centre or online , I’m sorry I really want to love your efforts and company but it’s just not good
