Almost 20 hours with the beta I just wanted to point things about my experience:
In terms of performance, the point I was worried the most, coming from a “not so good” experience form 2.6 version, this is great , more fluidity, snapiness, and smooth performance. Even though there’s some frame drops in certain scenarios like having scrolling down from social media like tiktok or Instagram and recieving email notification and scrolling the notification menu down to check It out. I don’t know if that was as clear as I wanted to explain, pardon my english.
That small scenario is a 10% of the cases of using it, the remaining 90% It is pretty good. No major bugs whatsoever gives a propper experience. All this toughts are with the idea to this being a beta version, hoping a little bit of tweaking to pollish those few “errors”.
With all that in mind, Thank you Nothing development group, and community also, I’m highly convinced that the 2 betas that were rolled out before for 2 and 2a were crucial to have this experience.
Battery still the same to me so that’s pretty nice also.
Camera, I expected a little bit of tweaking, from previous version, I’m reffering to an Android 12 or 13 version where the photo results where better, sharper. But, I’m giving the feedback necessary to make everyone know. In the camera aspect, wanted to point a really good improvement I’ve faced and It was the processing time the photo need to be completed. It was reduced by a lot and it was very sweet to have it, nice job.
To finish the message I just wanted to thank again the development team, the community and also the person who had the guts to read such a long text. Nothing is really trying so hard to give us an experience that really matches the company’s goal, minimalism, smoothness and quality.
I’m so hyped for the stable version whenever it’s comes.
I’ll keep posting my experience.