RapidZapper SpeedMirage Hey IIt’s unlikely to be a software bug and more probably an issue with your unit, please contact support for assistance https://nothing.tech/pages/contact-support
SpeedMirage RapidZapper I just asked on Reddit and found out a bunch of other people are facing the same issue. I highly doubt it’s hardware related. Here’s why: I have tried charging three times today. I had this problem the first time. But second time everything went smoothly. It reappeared the third time.
Keerthin RapidZapper no, it is a software bug, since the phone charges when switched off, only happened on NothingOS 3.0 beta
Peruna SpeedMirage It was around 50% when it stopped charging, used it until it was on about 5%, the next day i plugged it in and it charged
mirreshkumaran I have the same issue where my cmf phone 1 says it’s charging but it’s been stuck at the same battery percentage from a long time. Yes I also use the official cmf gan 65w charger. This is becoming really annoying
SpeedMirage mirreshkumaran It seems beta users are facing this. I hope it goes away with the stable update.
VarunPandey I happened with me too, I have CMF 65w gan charger. I charge my Nothing phone 1 with it, If I charge from type c to type c cable it shows no response and if I charge from type A to type c cable my phone starts charging at very slow rate.
mirreshkumaran SpeedMirage I actually had this issue even before the update , the issue did not appear after the update for some time , the update log even mentioned fixed issues related to charging .
SpeedMirage Keerthin Phone charges when it’s switched on too sometimes. It’s completely random and I can’t predict precisely when it’s going to occur next. But this time I’ll take logs and send it to the nothing development team.