With the smartphone, there are sometimes strange charge level indicators when the battery is not “conditioned”. You unload the smartphone until it switches off by itself and then leave it on the charger for a few hours longer beyond the fact that it is full. You could try that for the case.
The direct contact person for defective devices is usually the seller. It depends, among other things, on whether it is, for example, a commercial or private seller, how long ago the purchase was and which general terms and conditions were based on the purchase. First of all, take a look at these conditions of sale. If consumer rights are enshrined in the law in your country, claims may also arise from this law. Means that only you can answer the question of whether you can still return the headphones, or whether the seller, for example, would have to replace them.
By the way, how many times can you charge the empty headphones with the full case? Have you ever found this out? I mean, maybe its capacity is ok but “only” the depicted battery level is wrong?