Found this thread by searching for Google “cmf watch pro 2 strava gps no data upload”. Also thought that an upload to Strava would include relevant data since it was already recorded and the endpoint for Strava exists per @dcullen’s post above. Wasn’t expecting much for the low cost but this would essentially be a free feature that would be so nice to have. Devs please add this

8 days later

Just an update on this.

I have made support aware of this feature request and it is on their radar to look at.

Came here to request better Strava integration and ran across this post. Thanks for passing along the info to CMF, dcullen. Hopefully they do something about it. Proper Strava integration seems like simple thing. I’ve had my watch pro 2 for a couple weeks and enjoy everything about it. For the price point it’s hard to beat, but was rather disappointed with the lack of full Strava metrics.

7 days later

I also confirm the integration is finally working just as wanted after updating the app this morning. GPS routes and heartrates are synched altogether, kudos to CMF.


Here is an example of matching CMF app v. Strava. I updated the watch firmware to and it is still working as of this morning. I had a previous issue a few days ago where the watch failed to store the “track” (gps) so I am keeping an eye on it.

5 days later

In strength training only duration get sync to Strava. This is very frustrating. Whereas in CMF app you can see the details. CMF team needs to improve this so that end user should consider CMF pro 2 as demanding fitness watch. Attached screenshots

6 days later

Hi! What if my bike ride is not synced with strava? Can i somehow force it? Thx

I am unable to sync my Nothing Pro1 data to strava although app says its allowed to sync. Still want to know how to get my GPX data in Nothing app so that I can upload on strava

    Hi. maybe i need a guide how to connect my cmf pro 2 with strava? when i sync with third-party does it really connect with strava app in phone?

    Merged 1 post from Strava issues..
    a month later

    Sync is failing most of times but weekly one or two sync has been happens in strava. Any workaround for sync issues?

    CMF Watch Pro 2
    Firmware V1.0.0.65

    App Version: 3.2.11

    Activities are not synchronized to Strava.

    If anyone has an idea how to sync or how to export GPX, TCX, or FIT files with the actual data,

    please share it here.


      5 days later

      This is very disappointing that Strava integration is not working properly. To be honest this was my main reason to buy this watch.

      Do you have any workaround for that? Maybe export of workout is possible somehow?


      After reinstalling the CMF app and reconnecting the watch, I was able to automatically synchronize 2 from 3 activities (run).

      I contacted the CMF support and got this as a response:

      "At this point, what we’re going to do is to escalate this to the respective team for further 
      diagnostic and what will be their advice for these. "

      It will be much easier if they implement simple manual upload to Strava. For example selecting activity in the CMF app and sending it to Strava using a dedicated menu item or button in the UI.

      9 days later

      Looks like the Strava sync feature will only work when the watch is connected to the phone throughout the workout - something that is extremely rare considering that a) the connection is spotty anyway and b) I leave my phone behind when I do sport…

      I am now able to synchronize 80% of activities to Strava.
      I am not running with my phone - only with the watch.

      Today I received new firmware update.
      Let’s hope there is an improvement.