Android 15 Developer Preview is here!

We’ve been busy diving into Android 15 and preparing for future iterations of Nothing OS.

Join the fun and explore the first Android 15 developer preview on Phone (2) and Phone (2a).

⚠️Disclaimer: This build of Android 15 is still in an early stage of development and some features might be missing or not working. The build is primarily for developers and other advanced users. Installation is not recommended for ordinary users.

During installation of Android 15 Beta 1, your device storage will be formatted, and all of your data will be erased. It is recommended that you create a backup before proceeding with installation.

If you are comfortable with the above disclaimer and want to experience an early preview of Android 15 on Phone (2) or Phone (2a), continue reading for steps on how to install.

Supported devices:

Phone (2), Phone (2a) (Milk, Black, White)

What’s new?

  1. Glyph SDK support

  2. Wallpaper

  3. Nothing boot animation

  4. Android 15 Beta 1 tag

Some of the known issues include:

  1. Fingerprints can’t be registered

  2. Face unlock unavailable

  3. No pre-installed Nothing X/Weather/Launcher/Recorder/Widgets

Download files:
Phone (2)

Check your software version and download the corresponding Android 15 Beta update package:

  • SW version number = Pong-U2.5-240418-1248 Download
  • SW version number = Pong-U2.5-240419-0138 Download
  • Download the roll-back package: Download

Phone (2a)

  • Download the Android 15 Beta update package: Download
  • Download the roll-back package: Download

How to upgrade to Android 15 Developer Preview

  1. Go to “Settings > About phone > Software info” to confirm that your system has the correct version:
    Phone (2): Nothing OS 2.5.5
    Phone (2a): Nothing OS 2.5.5a (Do not install on 2.5.6 or above)

  2. Create a folder named “ota” in your device’s internal storage directory.

  3. Copy the package to the “ota” folder.

  4. Go to your phone’s dial screen and enter the following code: *#*#682#*#*

  1. The local update tool will now open. In the drop-down list that appears, select the upgrade package you just copied.

* The drop-down list will display all files in the “ota” folder - you can update the list by tapping the “RELOAD” button.

* If the upgrade package does not appear in the drop-down list, tap the “Browse” button to select the “ota” folder and then select the upgrade package.

* Please make sure you have prepared the correct upgrade package for your device. If the upgrade package is wrong, it will show an error prompt “Verify metadata file status”.

  1. Tap the “Directly apply OTA from selection” button to start updating.

* Please do not remove the app from the background during the update as this may cause issues with the updating process. It is recommended that you keep the local update tool until the process is completed. This will help ensure a smooth and successful update process.

  1. Reboot your device

After the upgrade process is complete, a pop-up will appear asking if you would like to reboot your device. We strongly recommend selecting “Confirm” here, as upgrades require a reboot to enter the new version.

  1. Upgrade successful

How to roll back to the stable build

This roll-back solution will erase all the data of your devices. Please be sure to backup first.

  1. Download the correct roll-back package for your device

  2. Following the same steps as if you were installing the Android 15 Beta

Thanks for your participation. If you have any other questions, please send feedback via the following link: Feedback link

    This is what I was waiting for!!🥳

    Hope to see this in NP2 ASAP.

    Also are there any changes in UI like control centre, etc?

    Do tell

    Good to see Android 15 Developer preview.

    RapidZapper Okay, thanks for the heads up. Also, two unrelated things:
    1. Sorry for copying your design. I made some other original ones of my own, and had to be different.

    1. Damn, I’m impressed by the fact you’re a mod! Kudos to you, man!

    Tempted, but not going to flash this on my 2a. Remember people, this isn’t a real beta, it’s a Developer preview, and from my previous experience with DP in my OnePlus days, it’s not worth the hassle just for having the newest update. There isn’t anything of NothingOS in it anyway.

    Natalie ✨

    I feel that Android Google are getting too involved in our day today to the point of they’re trying to even control what we see and they might even have control of us in the way of making an expose our info to the government.

    Nothing should look into freeing there users to a controlled government dictator ship.

      Does Android 15 get battery health monitoring?