This might be a stupid question, but I keep seeing mention of sharing exercise data with strava and how easy it is to set up, but NOWHERE can I find how to actually set it up, not even on the Nothing FAQ etc.

Can anybody help?

  • CMF Watch app -> Profile -> Settings button -> Sync with third party services

Merged 1 post from Strava setting.

kennwong maps are missing. The core stats automatically port over to Strava, but there’s no elevation data.

I really hope they add map export. The data is there, in the CMF app.

20 days later

CMF watch Pro2 only syncs very minimal data to strava like pace, distance & time taken.

Is there any way I can sync more data like heart rate break up or pace break up for a outdoor RUN exercise. Any help is appreciated!!

Can I plan a run using this watch like set warmup, intervals & cool down etc.?

2 months later

With recent update, the company has added the ability to sync the map details as well, but the implementation comes with a catch.

Let’s say you went for a walk and there was no GPS signal in the beginning and GPS signal received in the middle of activity. The watch records steps and distance from the beginning. While syncing the data to app, the app shows data for entire activity.

But the data shared to Strava, has only the activity info from the point where GPS signal was received.

Hope CMF enables syncing the entire data to Strava instead of this partial data.