Hi all,
We are now going to close this thread.
As a Community Team, we monitor, review and collect your feedback on a daily basis, to make sure your voice is heard within the business. We advocate for you in internal meetings where decisions are taken, and through Rohit, our Community Board Observer, we ensure that your feedback gets to our Board of Directors, the highest leadership function in the business. No other company does that.
Negative feedback makes us stronger, it’s one of the things that keep us eager to innovate and do better. We not only use it to improve our products, but as a Community Team it also pushes us to look with criticism at our moderation practices, and improve them. We never sit on compliments.
This said, we also don’t tolerate aggressive behavior, and arguments for the sake of arguing. We don’t find any benefit or feedback in unconstructive, clickbaity posts. When these things happen, we have asked our Moderators to suggest improvements, call out improper usage, or terminate something. We are building a community of creators, builders, makers. We want to spark constructive conversations that challenge us and make our members feel part of our journey.
I don’t like the idea of closing a thread, but I’ve asked the team not to allow any further responses as this is not the way we want to see conversation and debate happen on nothing.community. And I feel we have got to a point of no return today.
Feel free to reach out directly to me if you have any further feedback.