Glyph Composer - Share your Compositions!
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Hi everyone
Before creating this thread, I had the idea of sharing composer’s music… I’m glad to see it happen. Listen to some of my music:
NoarBaer oooooo myyy gooooooooooddddd its just like mine!!!!!
Here’s my attempt at doing something of my own for the first time!
Are there some for the nothing 2a?
Astrea this is so good brother i m singer and i can feel this very much I loved it make more please I’d love to hear it from different genres
Didn’t make it in a 10 seconds file, and may not be 100% accurate but I still tried, no need to say the name, you already know it. (I used DAN btw)
any screen rec?
orbilu2 I dont how to use SebiAi can you do me a favor by make one for “Do I wanna Know by Artic monkeys” Please it will so cool.
Is first version (:
yoel_student - thanks for sharing! This was fun to see
Hold my beer
Chakri_003 - This sounds very familiar…
Original compositions are welcome here too! But the Sampha sample is a good tune, that’s for sure!
KumarVikash_vikuu_ How did you make the sync? Is it possible to put this as ringtone in phone 2 with this sync?
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Here one from The Prodigy, still practicing syncing …
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