The download of any of them is not possible.😭

18 days later

Hi everyone 😇

Before creating this thread, I had the idea of ​​sharing composer’s music… I’m glad to see it happen. Listen to some of my music:

9 days later
8 days later

Astrea this is so good brother i m singer and i can feel this very much I loved it make more please I’d love to hear it from different genres

8 days later

orbilu2 I dont how to use SebiAi can you do me a favor by make one for “Do I wanna Know by Artic monkeys” Please it will so cool.

7 days later
7 days later

Chakri_003 - This sounds very familiar…🧐

Original compositions are welcome here too! But the Sampha sample is a good tune, that’s for sure! 🍻

16 days later

Here one from The Prodigy, still practicing syncing …

a month later