Mine is phone 2, after 2.5.5 update, the battery draining is too much both during day and night, it drain more than before update, during day, while only using mobile data, full brightness and camera it drains rapidly, also while using camera it heats too. At night even after turning off wifi and Bluetooth, without any background apps, it’s drains 10-15%. Bluetooth got stuck while turning on. Camera got stuck while taking pictures, battery usage is not showing, I’m using dark mode and black wallpaper, there’s a gradient of light showing from the top notification bar till notch, like greyish to black that only could see if in full brightness and due to black wallpaper, but it will not show in screenshot so it has to do with the led lights, dk if it’s had to do with the update. Please fix this! Also after factory reset the draining will not stop as it says I had done it.