We are almost at March, any plans about release date? So muxh waiting to this caller app
Voidcaller – A Nothing-Inspired Dialer App!
No not this year March.. NXT year March will launch
karthikelluri it is this year under I can’t do both app development and write my exams at once
Then tell final release date
- (Edited)
karthikelluri lol i hope i didn’t come off too strong
They have a discord you can follow btw
Download link? Or launch date?
@“Aryan16s”#P148057 Still Not, Will Keep Following.
[! [Opening Profile picture] (https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/189139533041972097/02s8fvwi_200X200.jpg)).com(/x.com/voidwarelabs/photo)