Hiya! My name is Kylie, I’m 14 years old, and I’m from the US. I’m interested in Nothing cause the idea of a grayscale phone is amazing (I’m a really monochrome person in general) and the glyph interface thing has piqued my interest from day 1.
I’ve been meaning to buy a Nothing phone, and was planning on buying the Nothing phone 3 when it came out, but now I might wait for the 2a community edition; if it might be a mini phone I’m all for it!
Okay, now for what piece of tech started my obsession with devices… I’d have to go with the iPod Nano (gen 7). It was the first piece of tech that really made me go WOAH when I first heard about it/got one. Kinda funny, cause now me and a friend are trying to build our own phone (just for gits and shiggles) using as many Apple genuine parts as possible (gonna use a raspberry pi zero 2w so there is that)… super cool though! Tbh I think Apple’s iPod nano series and their iPhone mini series were the only good products :')
Okay, for my favourite quote. I can’t remember for the life of me where it came from, but the quote goes something as follows:
“One must take risks to live life to the fullest.”
I take a lot of risks (go big or go home, right) and most of the time it turns out well lol
For my spirit gadget… the samsung galaxy note 7 (pretty self explanatory i think)