sheldon. @ras 🇹🇷 Flarum supports RSS, but we cannot see RSS because they did not install the necessary plugin on this site.
Mirko_ddd Nope, no RSS found. I would say it is normal, this is a forum, not a news website. If you want to just see what’s new without accessing to the forum I made an app called “nothing news”, you can find on Google Play
sheldon. Mirko_ddd Nothing news application does not meet the expectations, we want to see all the headlines. I do not like that application. We know what this place is, if you are aware, we did not ask you. You do not decide whether this is needed or not. We expressed our need. The decision will be made by the nothing team, not you.
Mirko_ddd sheldon. the app shows the exact same headlines showed in the top part of the forum. And I think you should express in a more kind way.
sheldon. Mirko_ddd The titles at the top of the forum are displayed in the current nothing widget. We want to see the opened topics, not the top titles.
Mirko_ddd sheldon. it is not possible until you’re logged in (by design of the API that backs this forum).
marax I’d wish to see forum has RSS too. I have RSS reader where I can see at glance all news from any sites of my interests. Nothing Community widget is just an extra something decluttering my phone. It would be an extra check. But I got it. RSS is not an option. I have to revisit site occasionally. (Which is the thing I wanted to avoid)