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Nothing Phone (3) Concept
AMAESHI_K I really Love it man. Well done.
Beautiful ! However, the top right hand corner glyphs can be made into square shape which can be customized for SMS, Calls, Whatsapp message and Whatsapp calls notification (conveying the usability of each of the Glyph sides of the square).
In iPhone 16 iPhone copy Nothing phone 1
Then Nothing phone 3 copies iPhone , later we got a news iPhone and nothing are same they are doing pranks
NitinYadav_ZTxT2TRFPf There’s a fine line between copying and inspiration. Inspiration is you take the elements of your favourite stuff and craft them into something unique. Copying is something… well, copying
True good design! Very well work!
Damnnn! Cool design
Dam that is one awesome looking phone :-) I hope it comes in matte black :-)
I’d buy this
As I mentioned on socials, these renders are just beautiful!
The concept is a really beautiful design and a fun evolution on what we have seen before. Loving the use of the Glyphs around a 3-camera setup.
The new “Essential Glyph” area has me wondering, what these new segments could be used for?! Excited to see more of your feature breakdown in the future
Great work, as always!
Honestly one of the best concepts I’ve seen so far
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This looks really impressive. I like the fact that you have found a way to make tech look interesting without the user having to re-learn much. I think like you say it’s important to ensure products are powerful but not overwhelming, striking a balance is so important; to ensure when using a new device it doesn’t feel like a learning chore, but a tool that can help solve many of life’s problems. I think this design portrays that well.
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Looks really good! Can i use this for my youtube video about the phone (3)?
i will make sure to give you credit
Baldertech Thank you. Yes, you can use it