These are exactly the changes I’ve been waiting for from Nothing for two and a half years. I bought the phone, and it looked like a default AOSP. I’ve been waiting and waiting for Nothing to fully translate the entire system into the “Nothing aesthetic.” Over these two and a half years, the changes in the system can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The control panel looks very beautiful and fresh, and I hope that over time, Nothing will redesign the entire system in this style.
You highlighted very important details and aspects of NOS. You demonstrated how beautiful and ergonomic they can be. As far as I understand, a significant part of the Nothing community agrees with you, and I hope they hear you out. If Nothing itself does similar work on its interface and also creates its own app suite to replace Google apps, then we will truly get a “real” Nothing OS and not just a default AOSP. Thank you for the concepts; you definitely have great taste