Abhinav I recently recieved nothing wallpaper new update and got nothing 2a ce and some new wallpapers and tbh these wallpapers are very blurry and some wallpaper are very dark which causes them to look wierd. Let me know if the wallpaper are normally visible on your screen.
MohammadZulQarnain Abhinav same for me, even the 3rd wallpaper seems to be of low resolution Ps: there is a 3rd party app for stock wallpapers which has high resolution images of these images of you can’t wait. App name: phone walls
Vathsan I expected that nothing 3.0 would have some new wallpapers. I waited for it to arrive till now . Does anybody know that if they are going to release new wallpapers or not ?
vovan-v Not far eway was released community edition wallpapers, so maybe they will add only them on the feauture updates.
1101 New wallpapers of Nothing OS 3.0: a set of low-resolution wallpapers generated via AI. It’s surprising how the Nothing team approved these rudimentary images, which feel more like experimental drafts than finalized designs.
Rob ⚡️ 1101 An enormous amount of work went into these - dismissing them as rudimentary feels unjust. Experimental? absolutely. AI was a just part of the process - these were crafted over many working sessions by Andres and our Software Design team members.
1101 Rob ⚡️ I have no doubt that the wallpapers were designed with compatibility for the ‘Nothing Phone 2a Plus Community edition’ in mind. What I mean is that they are strangely low resolution, lacking sharpness, and, so to speak, watercolory.
sh0ck Rob ⚡️ Download the latest version of Wallpaper app > Try to apply these wallpaper on Screen and observe the quality, it is pixelated.
SPICER.09 Rob ⚡️ I’m looking at designing my own wallpapers in procreate what’s the template size and DPI for Nothing wallpapers ?
JackChalk 1101 really put your foot in that one! Got called out haha Have a check again, they’re definitely not low resolution.