Did anyone got camera widget on nothing phone 1!
Bcz they have mentioned it but it’s not available in widgets section on my nothing phone 1
Did anyone got camera widget on nothing phone 1!
Bcz they have mentioned it but it’s not available in widgets section on my nothing phone 1
Omprakash_XqPFKmKP1S not added
Firmware (bot) Camera Lags while taking continuous photos
SamarthNP1 not in this update in previous update itself we should get it but it’s not the
U can check in ur phone settings tips and feedback it is mentioned there
Omprakash_XqPFKmKP1S I know that but it’s not added
Why have I not received this update yet?!
korosh rolled pulled back due to issues
Why do the updates take so long to be rolled out? This update was released 8 days ago and still hasn’t been offered to my phone.
craigmcintosh_2 Scroll up and you’ll find the answer (but I did the latest update and the Phone 1 continues to work fine)
I haven’t had the update yet either - have been checking daily. Such a B-league experience lately - I only haven’t upgraded to a newer model due to the screen issues on the 2A series, yet to be seen if this will also impact the 3A…
Firmware (bot) still don’t get update
Firmware (bot) i still haven’t received this update . Im from India .
I too didn’t receive the update. I was able to see the update previously but it’s not visible now. What to do?
Abid Hussain update rollout stopped due to restart issue faced by users
I can’t recieve this latest update on nothing phone 1
SamarthNP1 Will we get the update once they fix that issue?
Since the NOTHING OS 3.0 update, my Northing Phone (1) Bluetooth is not turning on, how can I solve this problem?? I try wifi Bluetooth reset, and phone restart but not solve issue nothing phone (1)