I just watch the complete event of nothing phone 3a launch and it’s really nice way to introduce the phone 3a but there are some hit and miss
Let’s start from hit:-
- How carl explain everything and try to explain in most simplest way is really good
- That little intraction with customer and intrigration of store plan is really amazing
- Emphazize on it’s more powerful thing . i mean camera and showcasing of it is damn…
- Essential space feature is so innovative and i really like and new wedgit too
Now,let’s talk about miss:-
- You emphsize on camera, right but you don’t talk about gallery app that is the one of the most important thing for make the experience great and you even mention it on product page but it’s still on beta . it’s almost four month but still .think about that…
- You mention focused feature in video but it will coming soon . so, in my opionion show only those thing which is available because it’s really furstrating too wait just like gallery and you don’t even on time sometime
- At last i didn’t able to grasp the concept of watermark like thing on video or camera app you had too put more time on it
Except this i am really excited to use new essential space feature and new chat gpt wedgit too . and it is really helpful for me if you join me inn for your trust worthy review program akis launch recently with the help of technerd