Zuu Most of what I want to keep track of or what I want to remember is in the physical space, posters, book covers and such. It would be great if there was a way to take a quick photo directly into Essential space and add a memo.
Derren Zuu just open up your camera app and press/hold the essential key. It will work in the same fashion, capturing what’s displayed and summarises what it understands/any text/voice you provide it with.
Zuu That’s a good workaround. I guess I’d just like to have the full quality image at the same time and not the screenshot of the camera app or the gallery. 🙂
Derren Zuu Not a workaround, this is actually the intended way to use this feature. If the image is just for summary/notes purpose then im not sure having the full high-res image is needed but i appreciate where you are coming from. Maybe log some feedback on the feature via settings > system > feedback