Nothing yet in Greece 4 days any news ?
📱 Nothing Phone (2a) - Nothing OS V3.0-250304-1904 Changelog
Termitis 13
No one in the world has gotten an update except India.
Ilya_derkach Thanks my friend I hope so in this week received
In Spain it has not yet come out
For now only in India?
@“Flanagan”#P152839 Yes, but they have not said what version number it is
More improvement UI. Dark mode issue after New update, charging slow, camera More improvement, any many more little bugs.
DhantiNobajit Notifications from all apps?
SanthoshYellisetti same here
So we need to be thankful becouse we didn’t get this update that doing all worst?
While the problems are the OS there is always a solution
NothingSpain I’ve been trying for months but haven’t found a solution for the notifications.
after 4 days of waiting … still nothing
- (Edited)
7 days, bro.
tbh after the 3.0 update 5g data isn’t working on my phone 2a before that is was working perfectly even after recent update i am facing the same problem .
What about sound quality?
Ilya_derkach a mi no me sale nada