Ealesy101 A little screen shot from Nothing’s most recent YouTube video! Any guesses on what these FIVE (5) codenames could be? 👀 Very excited to reboot this thread and get some speculation going…
Ealesy101 Ealesy101 - well now we know, one of the codenames is Arcanine! Which product do we think this could be? 👀
Weakness KushPatel1605 Alakazam does have an Easter egg on phone 2. It’s possible but what can they do besides just putting the name inside on the motherboard like they did with the word pokemon on phone 1?
Ealesy101 pixcel25 - With the (3a) Product number being A059, we can safely assume the base (3a) is Arcanine. Who has the Pokédex entry of #059. But what the means for (3a) Pro, who knows?! 👀
Derren Aipom : Ear (1) Ampharos : ? Arceus : Power (1) ? Ariados : ? Abra : Phone (1) Alakazam : Phone (2) Azelf : ? Aerodactyl : Phone (2a) Beedrill: CMF Phone 1 Buizel: CMF Watch Pro 2 Bellossom : Ear (stick) Azumarill : Ear (2) Anorith : ? Bastiodon : ? Cleffa: Ear (a) Entei: Ear Espeon: CMF Buds Pro 2 Arcanine: Phone (3a) Series
Ealesy101 Derren Loving your work, as always, Derren! 🔥 Once the (3a) Series dust settles, I cannot wait to get back to some fun Poké codename guesses! 👀