HKBardia Is there anyone who made the glyphs from the files of Mr. Steel ? Coz i tried to understand how to use those files and add audio to use it. I also watched video of SebiAi on YouTube but it all was bouncer for me. So is there anyone who did it & can give me the final file so that i can just import it in glyph composer? Please 🙏
Mr Steel AkhilGupta_MvOgsEALfQ the full documentation can be found here. It will require some technical knowledge, but you can use my files with the script made by SebiAi
DevilBrO FXDD0 cool. Can you please share with ogg file? All that i found in the net just give me error on NP2
Anishvl Mr Steel bro i need these, can you send me, like can you send the glyph compose file in a google drive??
Abdul-Muhaymin Mr Steel Can anybody please help me , i downloaded the file of matrix garix animal song , i extracted the file but it can’t seem to open with glyph composer app nor can i import it from the glyph composer app , can anybody help me how to use that ringtone and import it??
SebiAi Abdul-Muhaymin Due to copyright reasons the complete composition can not be made available to download. You can make the composition yourself by downloading and cutting the audio and then combining it with the Glyph Tools. But first @Mr Steel would need to migrate the old “glyph files” (glypha and glyphc1) to the new format (nglyph).
Abdul-Muhaymin SebiAi that’s so complicated, why it isn’t free to the public , what’s the purpose to show it then if phone 2 user’s cannot use it on their own phone’s , disappointing …
Mr Steel Way overdue, but I finally started to migrate my previously made labels to the new nglyph format. This means no more desyncs when setting it as ringtone! In time for Christmas 🎅 🎄, here’s Jingle Bells Rock - nGlyph file: jinglebellrock-migrated.zip11kB
Konstantin_Chayevsky Mr Steel Hello, please tell me how to install these songs. I downloaded from the link but I don’t know what to do next. Please help.
Mr Steel Konstantin_Chayevsky the full documentation can be found here, and link to the project itself can be found here. It will require some technical knowledge, but you can use my files with the script made by SebiAi
CaltBeing Mr Steel hello! Mr steel can u share nglyph file of animals? The one u shared gives two files glypha and glyphc1. I think these are outdated.