Firmware (bot) I hope there’s an option to lock home screen layout and auto text invert (dark on light wallpapers & light on dark wallpapers) especially for lock screens

Not yet recieved in Oman. Always very late in this area, it take aproximately 2 weeks.

Spotify is still crashing,
Even after the stable update 😞

Didn’t get the update yet.

Please tell the reason and the solution for it.

I am from India but when I visited some yt channels they got the update.

Please take steps for this.

Rob ⚡️ when regular users will receive? Today or there is no timeframe?

Rob ⚡️

Facing problem in update to beta version

open failed enoent (no such file or directory) android

Plz solve my problem

Firmware (bot) Hello, I am from Goa, India. I still did not recieve the update, have checked multiple times in 1 day. Any update on when the OS update is rolling out in India?