Rob ⚡️ when regular users will receive? Today or there is no timeframe?

Rob ⚡️

Facing problem in update to beta version

open failed enoent (no such file or directory) android

Plz solve my problem

Firmware (bot) Hello, I am from Goa, India. I still did not recieve the update, have checked multiple times in 1 day. Any update on when the OS update is rolling out in India?

Hello iam From Kerala I still did not get the update when will the update will get

    roshinkoshy from banglore and still didn’t recieved update , they will make it for another week ig, as they have been mastering in delaying for their first product users,

    My device phone 1 still running on 2.0.5

    I am waiting for stable version of 2.5.2
    Mainly required camera updated for improvement..

    I still didn’t get any update on my phone send it fast please I am waiting for it..🥺

    Hi, from Philippines, patiently waiting for the update ..🙂 Hope it will be more faster to deliver the update.
    Thanks NOTHING team!

    When we get the new update it’s been a day when you announced for starting rolling out but we didn’t get any update 😕

    When will I get the Android 14 stable update didn’t get the update on my phone 1 .