RAZzz [deleted] plastic frame with the same texture as current phone 2a in dark grey with red power and volume buttons.
chrisdorkins9 Would love a metal edition with a real metal frame similar to phone ½ the only real issue I currently have with 2a is the plastic sides understand the cost implications but against the pixel 7a more expensive I think there is room to have a premium 2a metal
[deleted] chrisdorkins9 Well, I get the calls for metal frames, but imho plastic is more durable and more scratch resistant than the “standard aluminum”. I mean, you just have to look at a metal frame askance and it´s scratched.
[deleted] ErikSinoimeri Neat idea, I reckon a discussion about community designs and copyright though. It might be difficult to somehow use themes for the community design that require a licence?
ErikSinoimeri It’s not hard to copyright something unique created from a draw. I said this as un drawer ,but is true to say that I don’t have experience on this kind of design