There’s a report about the appearance of green line on the nothing phone 2a. anyone facing this issue? or anyone know more details about this like cause and any response from Nothing?
Green line on Nothing phone 2a
Same bro,I see some images in Twitter please report anyone facing this issue
I got green pixels in low brightness
Maybe everyone would note that
In lock screen and the notification panel
You can clearly see this in a dark room
Nothing 2a users kindly check it out
I saw that same post too. It think it’s one of case. But yes in low brightness and in lock screen I do see some kind of green shadows on the screen
Even I just came across these news. Please confirm this news anyone?
I did not encounter the Green line problem
yes, I’ve also encountered this in lock screen in a dark room.
Guys, it has something to do with the finger print scanner because if you disable the touch id they will disappear and they will appear if the scanner activates to unlock an app.
heisenber9 yep noticed it and it’s actually bad
AaronAnthony I had one on my phone 2. Visited service centre. They flashed the memory but still it was there. Then they replaced the screen. The issue seems to be gone but not 100%. There is still a minor color difference between locked and unlocked screen.
Same I saw
AbhinavKV I didn’t face that issue till now
I didn’t face any this issue till now
Hi nothing
Today I heard a bad news that a user got a green line issue reported in nothing 2a phone
I don’t know this is due to any software update or display issue.
In India, there is no official service center of nothing. Only authorised service center. So if anybody face such issue in nothing phone, company needs to provide a replacement of original display and improve the quality of the display of the nothing phone like oneplus and Samsung do.
I am attaching the screenshot of the greenline phone
Also I want to know anybody facing issue. Comment below if yes.
Regards sanal
Greenline issue
Even I also noticed some green tint and shadows on the lock screen, visible when the screen is dim. However the same disappears upon disabling the finger print scanner and using only pin/password for unlocking the device.
Can it be then a software issue with the fingerprint scanner?
The green line on the screen though and if actually appearing on any 2a device should be an actual hardware issue.
heisenber9 it is not an issue.its just indicating that your mic is active due to call ,or recording
I heard some news and saw some posts abt Green line issue. Is that real? Can we talk abt that