Share those stunning backdrops to make our devices that much more eye-catching :-)
- Please do not post wallpaper files from the premium apps for all to download, as those devs need to be paid somehow for their hard work. (Drop the link to the App instead for us to checkout)
- Only share images you know are royalty-free, in the public domain, and free to use!
- Credit the source wherever possible
- Keep them crisp (no 320p crew here)!

    Source: https: //×2738/

    Itssukrut I’ve never tried live wallpapers myself but they always catch my eye. Do they work on the lock screen too?

      adbo They do but unfortunately not with an Always-on display:-), once you wake up your screen, they work just like on a home screen. With this particular app, the battery life impact is minimal as well (About 2%)! The only downside is the app is expensive if you want more than five walls.

      9 days later
      7 days later is somebody I’ve followed for a long time. He’s posted a few nothing wallpapers over the last couple of days. I don’t want to post them directly as he’s put the effort in to make them.

      If you want to buy him a coffee to say thanks, there’s a link in his bio. I’ve got no association with him, he just makes a lot of good wallpapers that are almost always free to download.