I planned to get down today earlier then I did - 10:45am - and the store opened at 11:00am - I thought I would be way in the back of the queue. However, to my surprise, the road was eerily quiet, like some Zombie invasion was happening. I got to the store and I was pretty much the 1st person in the queue!!!

Well technically, there was a nice fellow from Japan who may have been there first? and I did offer him the space. He was ok about it all and turned out to be a mobile phone blogger / journalist covering the event and asked me if he could take some photos of me for his article in Japan. Domo Arigato Mr Roboto - Tokyo here I come!

Opening time and there were a few more people in line and we all managed to get inside quickly and easily. Inside was the ice-cream parlour dishing out CMF styled flavours in cups & cones. Hardcore partakers of these events may recognise these purveyors of tasty treats from previous drops . There were some delicatable flavours indeed and I do love a good Gelato.

Stracciatella / Mint Choc anyone? The Mint Choc goes great with the Light Green CMF Phone 1 - a tasty combo indeed!!! Perhaps Mango Ear A is more your flavour?

They were all very nice - but we are hear to look at the new Phone 1, Buds Pro 2 and Watch Pro 2 aren’t we? right - we didn’t just come for ice-cream? I turned to have a look at the new products when all of a sudden a wild @Akis appeared! An amazing surprise to be sure and great to say hi as always - although he seemed pretty tired I imagine from the flight over from India.

I let this Pokemon go and continued on my merry way checking out the merchandise as they say. The in-store offer was the same as the online pre-order, 14% off the phone 1 and other items when bundled. This included further savings on the Phone 1, Buds Pro 2, Watch Pro 2 and the accessories which I was surprised were available like the kick stand, blue / green cases and the Dark Grey Bezel & Blue Leather Strap set. What’s the motto - gotta collect ’em all? right? so I did.
Ater securing the goods - I heard there was a chance to win fame, glory and fortune as the fastest screw in town - hey hey - who could screw the case onto the phone 1! This was happening downstairs and participating entrants received a new CMF by Nothing T-Shirt telling you to "Scew It’ - it’s actually pretty neat.

This was filmed for posterity - and I signed the release form - so let’s see if I made the cut. I managed a time of 46 seconds which seemed respectable but sadly wasn’t fast enough to win a phone 1. You could say I was screwed!!!
Before I left, I grabbed a final ice-cream, to go, in a cone, and bumped into @Louis ☕️ and his son which was a nice surprise.
My haul for the day and thanks to @lewis_morfitt who suggested I grab the Dark Grey Watch Pro 2 and the Blue Leather Strap & Bezel set to make a complete package vs getting the Blue Leather Watch Pro 2.

I’ve got the watch, in Dark Grey, flat & round bezels, plus black & blue straps!. I went for the light green Phone 1 and opted for a blue case, so have the options and completed the look with blue Buds Pro 2. For a splash of pizazz chuck in the orange kickstand to boot.