Hey Community!

The Nothing Software Team are looking for a group of enthusiastic Phone (2a) owners to take part in an Android 15 Closed Beta. This will involve downloading Beta software onto your device and testing it out to find bugs, issues, and give feedback on new features, before the software is released publicly.

You should apply if:

📱You own a Phone (2a) and use it daily (note: Phone (2a) Plus will not be supported in this Closed Beta)

💡You are willing to give regular feedback to our team

🔐 You will maintain high standards of information security

🧪 You understand that Beta software can be unstable and are prepared for the possibility that some features may not work as expected

🗓️ You are prepared to participate from late August 2024 - the end of 2024.

⚠️ Disclaimer: This build of Android 15 is still in an early stage of development and some features might be missing or not working. It is recommended that you back up your device regularly during the trial. More disclaimers can be found in the sign-up form.

If you are happy with the above disclaimer, please fill in this form before 5pm BST on Monday 5th August 2024 to be considered for participation. Selected participants will be contacted by 8th August with onboarding details.

Register your interest

You will need to provide some personal data to participate in this activity. Read our privacy policy for more information. You can familiarise yourself with our privacy practices, and contact us at privacy@nothing.tech with any queries.

    Signed Up and excited to use android 15 With Nothing OS, if i selected.

    when, it will available for Phone1 !

    I signed up! Very excited to use Android 15 on my np2a!

    I’m tempted but just got my phone. I’d be more than happy to receive a phone with the beta program pre-installed to test 🤣

    Natalie ✨ how about Nothing Phone 2. Seems 2A is the priority and current focus. I understand because the series sells more. Everything is 2A now.

    Once 3 is out, am skipping it and will wait for 3A.

      ToToAntonio I completely agree with you, nowadays everywhere it is just 2A, we don’t have any problem just to clarify, but what about the so called FLAGSHIP?

      I understand 2A is new and needs optimization but it seems they forgot that Phone(2) is/was a flagship. Phone(2) stills misses some of the features, example: Camera Widget🥲, Ability to tune the vibration📳, etc.

      Signed up, maybe I’ll be lucky to test a15

      pure aosp android 15 or nothing with android 15?

      Sorry, but i´m really disappointed. I have a Nothing Phone 2 for about 600 Euros. I think this is the premium Phone from Nothing. First we received the bad news, that no Phone 3 this year. And now the the cheaeper 2a get the Android 15 Update earlier. Sorry, but this is the wrong direction, @Carl