Beautiful update.
Community Improvements Incoming!
Nice! Loving the dark mode! My eyes thank you!
Impressive and welcome update. I really enjoy being a part of such an amazing community.
Loved the latest update, love the realtime features and also viewing images seem to be a lot smoother. My concept design for the community app did implement a dark mode as well.
I honestly would have liked a different color for link’s though (I understand it fits within the Nothing design language). But, Red as a color can be jarring to the eyes, can also cause issues for colourblind people. I think it should be used sparingly for most high level tasks (notifications, primary buttons etc )
I freaked out this morning wondering why it was in dark mode. Wasn’t expecting it. But its a very welcomed change
Oh wow! What an upgrade! Dark mode is very much appreciated and it’s really nice to see the forum coming into it’s own more and more
Good update, currently I’m exploring the community
Dark mode is very good, now community feels very smooth
Why Not An Application For Mobiles
- (Edited)
I was waiting for the dark mode. Happy to see these QOL updates.
As some people mentioned, the new dark mode has caused some contrast issues in certain parts, and I hope those will be ironed out soon.
My eyes thank you for dark mode