hrry I give you silver medal for free 😉

And now for seriusly it was very interesting month for me in the community, i learned many new things, explore apps, and seen many interesting posts, i think is commonity really growing up with the quality topics and quality people.

8 days later

Please can you make it easier to mark threads as ‘ignore’? Took me ages to work out where the option was on the mobile version.

Rob ⚡️ it is posibble to add an age selection fo users? Only choosing an age number to know how old the community members.

Rob ⚡️ I have a suggestion to make, I feel like it would be good feature for the community to clear the seen notification after a specific period. It might not be required by all users to it could be given as an option which users can enable or disable.

I as a user feel like it would be more easy for users to understand which are the posts he visited and didn’t visit.

It’s just my opinion. Please do comment your thoughts.

6 days later

A couple of updates for you today!

  • We’ve added some new icons to our product tags to make navigating a little easier! (+ they look nice 🤩)
    Phone (2a) Plus Ear (a)CMF Phone 1
  • We’re introducing a ‘related discussions’ feature, meaning you can discover new content and find answers to your questions even more quickly! (have a look at the bottom of this thread!)

As always, we welcome your feedback! Enjoy!

I just saw the new refreshed website with new icons. looks clean @Rob ⚡️ Now am just clicking every new icon to check what’s inside. and also, any idea why the ’Change Nickname" is showing twice?

    The new icons appear as white boxes on my end, with the exception of the “Nothing Ear Series” and “Newsroom” icons.

    There’s a lot going on at the bottom of the page now that the related discussions have been added. On the dark version of the mobile site it looks really weird. The reply box is easily missed and looks a little lost; might need a lighter outline. And can the discussion modules be made smaller – the reply counter might encourage people to click the links, but aren’t the other counters mostly irrelevant in this specific situation?

      sean (1) What browser are you using out of interest RE icons?

      Thanks for the thoughts on related discussions - they need to be quite flexible/reactive to accompany any number of tags and title lengths - we’ll be sure to refine ir over time.

        7 days later

        Hello, I liked the new follow/followed feature on the forum, but even though I have 2 followers I have never been notified about that.

        I cannot even browse the followers list to know who is actually following me.

        I ask for improvements like notifications and watch following/followers lists.


          Merged 1 post from Forum followers feature improvement .

          Mirko_ddd Yes I think it could be like on Instagram where you can see who you follow and who follows you.

          6 days later

          Rob ⚡️ loving the navigation bar at the bottom!

          Such a small addition, but a wonderful QoL touch. Loving all of the improvements to the Community Site, keep up the great work! 🎉

          Rob ⚡️

          Still having issues with the icons – see below. Tried refreshing the page.

          When I previously suggested moving the toolbar to the bottom of the page (sean (1)), I meant the toolbar that displays how many posts there are in the thread – the one that opens a scrollbar (at the bottom of the page), and has a menu button that when tapped pops open a reply button (also at the bottom of the page), which when tapped opens a quick-reply box (why the needless menu step?). It would be more comfortable if this toolbar (i.e. the pop-up scrollbar and quick-reply button) was at the bottom of the page, perhaps a tab on the new toolbar, so users do not have to overstretch or fumble to get to the top of their phone’s display.

          The reply box stands out more, which is an improvement, but I notice it remains very dark and blends in (in dark mode) when the user has a draft message pending. Can this be brightened up too?

            I am actually quite flattered to see that the current nav bar is very close to the concept design I made for the community app months ago. I still think the red is being overused too much and UX wise its a giant disaster. Black background with red color for links… there are many color blind individuals who see red color as “black”, meaning they will not see any links at all.

            Regarding what you said sean (1) - I actually designed a concept a while back but didn’t share it then. I believe it might solve your issue if implemented.

            The toolbar sticks to the bottom of the screen (just above the nav) no matter where you are on the post, allowing user to quickly like the post (they don’t have to scroll all the way back up). They can also reply whenever (they don’t have to scroll all the way to the bottom). Navigation is handled by clicking the numeric value at the bottom and scrolling to a desired location.


              That’s what I pictured. Make it a little thinner so it takes up less space, then you’re bang on. 👍🏻

              Maybe there is a possibility to add an option to open polls with comments?