Dark mode My eyes can finally rest!
Community Improvements Incoming!
It is noticeably smooth too.
Wow! The dark mode is the best update and then the realtime.
Dark mode - things you love to see! Well done team
Loving these QOL updates! Especially dark mode which I know was a popular request, and seeing people’s reactions and replies pop up without refreshing is awesome
Dark mode was really a welcomed surprise when I opened the forum
Only thing is that the shade used for new notifications is not that different from the background, makes them a little bit hard to see.
- (Edited)
Cool update. Wish the dark mode followed the system/browser theme.
Edit: It does.
I am loving the new improvements, feeling much more joyful and fun already!
i just refreshed this page and i’m surprised it turns into dark mode. turns out the community forum is updated
I used to feel like it looked old and choppy, now it’s a full great experience, and it’s pretty smooooth all around, I don’t even want to upload a profile picture anymore
peotus maybe a 3d render and not an actual photo by the lighting
Realtime is the best
Community application,when it’s coming