
Great thread! I’m excited to discover some new influencers to follow!

For me, it’s the tech classics: Linus, MKBHD, and Jerry Rig Everything. I also like to watch Snazzy Labs and Mac Address.

As a keen photographer, some of my fave creative personalities are Peter McKinnon and Aaron Brimhall.

Gamers, my all-time is JackFrags.

And a couple of non-tech-related characters: Bald and Bankrupt, who tours Russia and ex-soviet states, and The Inspired Unemployed, an Australian duo who make brilliant skits on IG.

    Melissa When it comes to tech, one of the personalities I tend to pay attention to is Kara Swisher. She now has a really good podcast for The New York Times, Sway, but I started listening to her when she was in Recode.

    Michael Fisher is another one I respect, just like Dieter Bohn from The Verge. They both share a really acute sense of criticism.

    Regarding arts, Maynard James Keenan. He’s not that active on social media, but he really is an influencer in the truest form of that word. I mean, he’s the lead singer for Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer, three of my favorite bands.

    Follow MJK and you’ll discover gems like this one - yes, I am recommending an Easter story in October. 😅 🤓

      You guys mentioned already some cool people so I wont relink them and focus more on the german ones.

      For tech youtubers I follow mostly Linus, MKBHD and The Verge.

      On the German side:

      China-gadgets: They review and try out all different kinds of chinese gadgets and tech. From phones to, smarthome stuff and well just gadgets.

      AlexiBexi: He is always fun to watch and has often an own kind of humor.

      About gaming it’s JackFrags. Following him a long time already and love his stuff 😄


      Gronkh: He’s super chill to watch, fails often and was one of the first gaming youtubers back then.

      PietSmiet: Super funny group of 5 friends who even sometimes make some gaming shows besides their mostly multiplayer focused games and once a year a super big charity stream where they raised alone last year over 1 .6 Mio €.

      Besides those I often watch stuff from Babish and the german Version of Kurzgesagt Dinge Erklärt – Kurzgesagt

      and Eure Videos Fahrnünftig. A german dashcam channel

        Decent idea for a thread, find out what people on this forum are into.

        I honestly watch a ton of YouTube so pretty much everyone in this list is a you-tuber.

        For art I watch quite a few people but my favorite definitely have to be Draw With Jazza for his interesting and fun personality and especially the amazing art work that he makes with all the art mediums that he tries out.

        I also Love Gawx for his amazing cinematography in his videos, he mostly does art challenges, but they aren’t the annoying ones with people spitting at the camera and yelling half the time, instead he adds tons of personality to his videos by giving it a very unique style and his artwork is hela phenomenal.

        For fashion tips and whats going on in the realm of sneakers and clothes I watch Richie Le, he has the really decent series on his channel called House of Hype that’s kinda like a podcast style but their a lot more organized and actually stay on topic, they usually just talk about street-wear.

        I also watch Frugal Aesthetic , hilarious videos and amazing personality, he’s really fun to watch and he gives decent fashion advice.

        I also watch Fly with Johnny Thai, decent channel, a bit on the smaller side but his videos actually get straight to the point, the guy has a really good sense of fashion and is overall enjoyable to watch.

        For Tech Videos and setup inspiration I watch Randomfrankp, Tech Source and obviously Linus Tech Tips and Bitwit, but not the Verge.

        I also watch a bit of commentary videos mostly a guy called Optimus, I really only watch him when I have nothing else to watch and he also catches you up whatever big things are going on around the world or on the internet. My views also a-line with his so that’s another reason why I watch him.

        And of course Pewdiepie.

        Can’t wait to see everyone else’s interests.


          From a gaming perspective the one and only Commanding Officer StoneMountain64, or any of his closest partners in crime Aculite and Tomographic. StoneMountaint64 is a very inspiring person that is also the founder of the initiative to be a mentor for other streamers in the community.

          I closely follow TeslaDaily and Solving The Money Problem for my interest in Tesla. At times, Steven from STMP can be a bit too much, but I still like him being so wonderfully bullish on Teslas future and hating on all the Tesla-haters.

          When I lack inspiration and motivation I listen to Gary Vaynerchuk which often makes me to feel better about my current situation and possible future.

          Pursuing my current engineering degree 3blue1brown has been incredibly important for me with his YouTube videos. However, I don’t follow him too much anymore.

          Rob ⚡️ For me, it’s the tech classics: Linus, MKBHD, and Jerry Rig Everything.

          What Rob said above ^. Not followed close, but if they appear in my feed I definitely stop scrolling to watch them.

          Archive (bot) And the one that leads my list is Kurzgesagt.

          Indeeed, agreeing with Bits ^. Even though I don’t watch it as much anymore the content is so interesting.

            @Kastello You mentioning the German influencers reminded me of Marton Barcza. He has two tech channels on YouTube, TechAltar and The Friday Checkout.

            The latter is a nice way to keep up with the biggest tech news of the week, however, my favorite one is TechAltar. There you’ll find in-depth videos usually dedicated to a single subject.

            I do like how Marton prepares and approaches each topic, allowing the viewer to leave the video with a different, well-structured perspective.

            For example, in his latest video, he explains how Foxconn started and how it reached its status as a contract manufacturer, including the role that Terry Gou, founder of the company, had.

            Archive (bot) And the one that leads my list is Kurzgesagt. They create videos about science, the universe, topics that will make you think, and more. Very interesting overall, really well-made, researched and investigated.

            Completely agree with you. I don’t miss a single video they publish as they are the definition of quality over quantity.

            I have two more channels that I think can complement Kurzgesagt a little bit. The B1M is about construction, explaining some of the biggest and more fascinating infrastructures around the word.

            And Real Engineering is a channel about, well, engineering. But it is really engaging. Just the other day, for example, they published a video about the engineering of the Boeing 787. 🤓

              FilipJacobson he one and only Commanding Officer StoneMountain64, or any of his closest partners in crime Aculite and Tomographic.

              I love these chaps too! Great personalities and quality banter when they’re together.

              Cheetosdust And Real Engineering is a channel about, well, engineering.

              All this chat about engineering has reminded me of the great “makers” of YouTube; those that ideate, build and test wacky contraptions at home. My favorites are Colin Furze and Stuff Made Here and of course The Real Life Guys from Germany.

                Rob ⚡️ All this chat about engineering has reminded me of the great “makers” of YouTube; those that ideate, build and test wacky contraptions at home. My favorites are Colin Furze and Stuff Made Here and of course The Real Life Guys from Germany.

                Many thanks for the recommendations. I just checked and I didn’t know any of them, so they are added to the list. I love to see how things are made, a little bit like the series “Home” in Apple TV+ and the great Simone Giertz on YouTube. Her video with “Truckla” is something else. 😄

                Melissa Hehe, that is so true. And I love when she writes about topics that are not tech-related. For example, the other day she published an opinion piece about Dave Chappelle regarding his latest special for Netflix.

                In the same vein as Swisher, I recommend two other names - they do influence the public perception with their investigations bringing truth to so many different aspects of society.

                Ronan Farrow and his investigations for The New Yorker. His reporting on Harvey Weinstein, Britney Spears and Andrew Cuomo are journalistic excellence. If you have the opportunity, there’s also an amazing series on HBO called “Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes”. It’s a masterclass in investigative reporting.

                The second name is Ben Smith. I started following his work when he was Editor in Chief of BuzzFeed News, but now he has an even bigger and better platform: The New York Times. He investigates and reports topics related to media. They are brutal, as you can read here about Axel Springer, the company that now owns Politico.


                  SOMEWHAT OFF TOPIC FOR THIS THREAD: Have you had a listen to his latest talk with the on Spotify about NFT for the music industry (and other industries) where he is recording a meeting with the artist Farruko?

                  I really think the NFT space will have a huge impact on multiple sectors. I can see multiple connections between it, and crowdfunding (like Gary is also mentioning) with the creative people building their community and fan base through it using the NFT contracts as ways to build trust and authenticity. Just like TGC (sports, Pokémon, etc.) and other types of physical collectibles that have spiked yet again during the pandemic, such physical items could also potentially be built into the blockchains as well which for me is the most interesting part of NFT: How to build in the physical objects into the digital contracts to verify ownership and build services around.

                  Nice applications for Nothing to look into for the very long run is how to add these physical products from the production to the ledger to create phydgitals (creating a hybrid of both physical and digital assets) which are transferred upon sale. I see a lot of applications coming for this type of technology, which could be used by Nothing to verify ownership of a device (like a proof-of-purchase) which is put on the ledger for the customer to have in their portfolio of owned digital and phydgital items. One other nice thing is to potentially take some small transaction fee when devices are sold second hand (a very small percentage fee) which could create some revenue even down the road for the company, just like what will potentially will happen to the music industry with royalties.

                  The recoding isn’t of best quality, but definitely got me into thinking of possible transactions in our society which could be built into this.


                  Ah, I’m glad! Enjoy! Stuff Made Here is especially good for techy people … Shane is painfully intelligent 😅

                  I loved seeing all the “Truckla” content too - so great that Simone was invited to the Cybertruck reveal.

                    Rob ⚡️ I remember when she was invited to the even and I believe she parked the “Truckla” nearby, hehe. 😅

                    I also remember seeing an interview she have to MKBHD where she mentions that she was afraid that Tesla would ban her car after the changes she made to it. It’s in the video you can see below about the right to repair.


                      Hah yes, close enough to get some rare photos of both trucks in one place!

                      Two Tesla Pickups Pass In The Night: Truckla Meets Cybertruck

                      I quite like watching Rich Rebuilds, who very comically draws awareness to how Tesla, a sustainable company, won’t let you repair your car without penalty. Really interesting stuff.