I’m a battery freak and look at regular usage of my battery performance.

While I can the see the graph of the battery usage for a day and for every 2 hours slots, I would love to see what percentage of battery have I consumed during that 2 hours or 6 hours respectively instead of the graph.

Example - If I used my phone from 12pm to 6pm.

Along with seeing the battery drain curve and the apps that used my battery. If I can see the % of the battery consumed during that specific time slots it would be great.

Overall battery % consumed from 12 - 6pm and then the % of battery used for the 2 hours slots as well. 12 - 2 pm

I would love to know all of your thoughts on this.

    DavidKodak Hey mate, I’d certainly suggest you logging this as product feedback via settings > system > feedback. The Nothing team are continually looking to improve so, logging feedback helps them.

    What value would seeing the exact % used bring you? Would you change the way you interacted with your smartphone?

      hrry changed the title to Battery Usage - Ideas / Improvements .

      hrry , the % used will definitely help me understand what apps are causing the most drain when used at different time intervals and how much idle drain we have in a day. Of course, the usage wont change much, but understanding these numbers will help me take better choices.

      I see a lot of users having low battery backup and i believe a part of it is from idle battery drain.

      Oh there’s one more thing about this - if you set your phone to charge to a percentage like 90 or 80% the battery monitoring doesn’t count this as a full charge. So you don’t have a clear usage idea, you just end up with something like 30 hours of screen on time because you don’t charge to 100%. This seems like an oversight

        a month later

        I have an issue where the battery usage is not working properly. It stops when I am using it, and the usage progress is not displayed correctly. Are you guys facing this issue ?

          Merged 1 post from battery usage issue .
          3 months later

          ObradKostadinovic like to have that it shows from the 80% or any custom charge but if you want to know exactly use battery guru app it doesn’t drain battery at all and plus shows the battery health after analysing the battery backup from your charge cycles