I have a question. Can anyone tell me how to check my SpO2 level on the watch? Thanks.
CMF Watch Pro not connecting to phone when the app isn't open
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The connection problem is fixed as of last update, 4 days ago. Mine hasn’t disconnected yet since.
GordonLutz Did you reinstall the CMF App? Coz I did and nothing happened. The problem remains even though the “Running in Background” toggle is ON. I have to keep the App locked in the “Recents” tray for it to remain connected in the background.
I just got my watch pro 2 days ago, and i also have this problem.
Ive updated watch and app. I use Nothing Phone 2
The connection problem is fixed as of last update, 4 days ago. Mine hasn’t disconnected yet since.
Unfortunatly this is not true, disconnections are still a problem even after the app update
exact same problem, watch and app updated to the latest version, but if I close the app the watch disconnects even if the background function is active, it’s very annoying also because on nothing phone 2 there is no way to block the app to prevent it from closing, you need to fix this problem immediately.
Hi! Adding to the problem of disconnecting watch pro and app, that is really increíble that this issue Is not fixed!! I would add that the app in background must have or be able to reconnect. If i get More than 10mts away and the message Is not sended to the watch pro, now i need to close the app to reconnect. Is very disappoint this, a basic function no every smart watch.
Same probleme here, the “Smart” watch is useless like this
I had the Nothing Phone 2 since 2 months and I was really happy with it’s performance and system. I have also the ear buds and the connectivity is amazing. Motivated by that I decided to swap my Samsung gear 3 for the CMF Watch although I knew that I was going to lose some features like NFC or answering to messages, what I wasn’t expecting was that I wasn’t going to receive notifications from any app if I don’t have the CMF Watch app opened all the time. Sorry but this isn’t a bug, that’s a basic functionality that should be there since day 1. When you buy an smart watch is basically because you want to receive notifications and this needs to be working smooth and fast. I think I’m going to return my watch because as far as I see this has been a request for the last 3 months, although should be working since the launching and I don’t expect any improvements soon, so I will continue with my Samsung, although I wanted to have all the nothing ecosystem it seems that they aren’t there yet.
I have the same problem as everyone else, the application does not stay in the background which means that the watch does not receive any notifications and most of the options are unusable! When will this problem be resolved? From what I see, the problem dates back several months, which is not reassuring.
If it is a software issue should be easy for nothing to fix it or maybe hardware issue??? It is been long time this issue. They should do recall the product!!! Stop selling the watch and do recall this is a big issue smart watch cant continue connect to the phone after app is closed (same brand phone and watch).
On nothing phone 1 and 2 they could do a system update to add an lock option to multitasking, but for other devices… And yet the problem is already not resolved for nothing phone users (in my case I have 1).
I have nothing phone 1 and I have the same problem.
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RyuniaR seriously they delete my post?????
- 2 Days Ago
If it is a software issue should be easy for nothing to fix it or maybe hardware issue??? It is been long time this issue. They should do recall the product!!! Stop selling the watch and do recall this is a big issue smart watch cant continue connect to the phone after app is closed (same brand phone and watch).
Same problem. Disconnection.
I have nothing phone 1 and I have the same problem
My watch is still connecting, and I never take it off during the day or night. Heart rate was from Thursday, I’m sure my heart beat is faster also, weird goings-on.
Absolutely unacceptable that this has not yet been fixed.. Bought my watch 2 weeks ago, had this disconnection issue since day one. Totally disheartening to see that apparently in 4 months time nothing has been done to fix this.
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I have the exact same problem, sometimes my heart rate doesn’t update and my sleep is never right… I have a lot of problems with this device I’m disappointed with the connection problems…