The launch event will be much more than just the announcement of the product - it’ll help set the tone of how people perceive Nothing, I believe.
First impressions are always important, but this will be a clear representation of what Nothing will be able to do in its infancy. It’s true the Ear 1 needs to be a lot of different things to succeed, but the theatrical side of how they are presented to the world will also be key.
I do believe the Community will be addressed during the presentation, but I also expect it to be a series of signs and messages to the outside world. I assume the PR team already has a network of contacts, so the RSVP and the press releases should be in the works.
But I am sure that some publications and, especially a lot of potential customers, will hear the names “Nothing” and “Ear 1” for the first time during and in the aftermath of that event. News like “Nothing will show their first product on…” are going to be ten to the dozen.
To that effect, I hope to have clear details about the product with stunning cinematography. If you see an incredibly polished video, you’ll most likely remember to what it is attached to. And I hope that after the event happens, we don’t have to wait long for the release date.
There is a reason for that last sentence. Hype can be a good thing when created within reason, but it can also be gradually or sharply turned against what you want to preserve the most: the will people have to buy your very first product.