JatinPanchal18 Natalie ✨ I’ve successfully registered! Now, fingers crossed for train availability. 🤞🏻 Excited to meet one of my favorite entrepreneur, Carl and his team 🙌🏻
adbo Looking forward to seeing lots of photos from you all who attend the event! 📸 😄 Sounds like it’ll be a blast
VaroonNawale Will be traveling from Pune which is 1500 km from Delhi 🤪 Extremely excited See ya soon Carl , Rob, Natalie , levi , Bruno and the team 🙌🏻
wasimakram_UcDyjq2JAE Rob ⚡️ Bro I need tickets of this event in Delhi but it’s sold out I need this very badly
Louis ☕️ Sounds like a lot of you got tickets, very exciting and looking forward to seeing photos from everyone!