Phone (2a) Launch Event Tickets - Delhi 🇮🇳
Aman7210 same question I also want tickets
Great , I like to meet with core team of NOTHING
Showing sold out…any chance to buy, really wants to attend the event…
Sold out waiting for more tickets for community members on discount price
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Phase 1 ticket sold out
Any chance of phase 2 tickets of Delhi launch event? if yes then when it will open?
Sold out for Now can anyone share if we still can get the tickets ?
Will there be another Phase for event tickets??? Please reply as soon as possible….
What is the location for the event
Same here guys
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Anyone have extra ticket?
tech_quantum I got mine on the 14th for the event
anyone having only one extra ticket - please do share….I can buy
Want to attend event but tickets are out of stock
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All Tickets sold out will there be another sale for the tickets
I am very excited to join the Event
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Hi all, extra tickets just went live! [EDIT: these tickets are now sold out]
Yea! Super excited to join the launch event.
Natalie got it