Wolverine I hear you.

At this stage we should be grateful that at least the basic functionalities are working OK.

For other functions which are nice to have, but are not working well natively, I’ve just downloaded 3rd party apps instead of repeatedly asking N to fix them.

Derren I just gave a suggestion which would help nothing for better marketing.

How about we start a community music pool, we need it! I think we should vote on it to have better ringtones with composer. If there is a need for ringtones, this will suffice that need. meanwhile, use ABRA as your ringtone, this tone is just sick and musical as Nothing Ear products.☺️👍

14 days later

I think we need a beautiful offical our own ringtone like nokia and other some kinda phones have .

Merged 1 post from Ringtone .
19 days later


I have as suggestions here, like other phone brands like iPhone, Samsung, Oppo, MI, nothing should also come up with its unique ringtone.


Ashfaque Shaikh


Merged 1 post from Trademark ringtone for Nothing.

I think need some good ringtones and notification sounds, nothing’s sounds should have to stand out with other companies

Merged 1 post from Need some more good ringtones .
a month later

N2 sound is very low…sometimes incoming ringtone and alarm tone dificult for hearing..i already cleaned and set to maximum volume yet. Please fix the issue in next update otherwise I will going to other brand…#Need Loud sounds

ABC_25 Great observation dude that’s a reason I am using Jack sparrow ringtone i didn’t use Nothing official ringtones

I actually like the default ringtones quite well, my Phone (2) is set to “ripple” from the phone’s ad. Most of them remind me either of some older electronics of the 70s and 80s or some sci-fi movies of the similar era. It s quite different than what you get with other brands and I like it.

You can always compose your own, download someone elses or use a completely different ringtone.

    Merged 1 post from Ringtones.
    10 days later

    Hi, I need some ringtones and notifications sound 🙂

    The current ringtones are bit terrible 🙄 my friends really scare 🥹

    Maybe next update coming some good melodies

    Merged 1 post from Phone 2a Ringtones and Notifications Sounds #suggest. .
    5 months later

    The nothing phone ringtones are not good. They sound horrible. I think they should make one exclusive to their phone or a normal one atleast.

    There aren’t any ringtones for calls.

    I have Cmf Phone 1. Is it the same for other nothing phones?

    Merged 1 post from A ringtone for nothing phone.