Dark mode is very good, now community feels very smooth

Why Not An Application For Mobiles

    R_J web option is better In my opinion and I like this. Nothing is doing good unlike other brands who give their community app and we can’t uninstall they just using the phone resources and slow down the phone

      FALC0N Just a Thought like Nothing X Application My Friend

      Application has its own benifits

      I was waiting for the dark mode. Happy to see these QOL updates. 🙌

      As some people mentioned, the new dark mode has caused some contrast issues in certain parts, and I hope those will be ironed out soon.

        Rob ⚡️ Hello Rob, I feel that the dark mode is a bit weird.

        It should go from darker (background) to lighter (cards), and not viceversa 😜.

          Rob ⚡️ the efforts to make community an integral part of Nothing, and efforts behind the scene to make it the best tech community is grandisimo 🔥🔥🔥 sending community managers lot of ❤️

          @Rob ⚡️ I have a suggestion which is when the user who makes a discussion or the discussion starter open the discussion to see the status it is not necessary to be counted again as a seen msg right??

          vovan-v This has been temporarily removed as we find a better solution 🙂 I will let you know when we have a replacement.

          Good to see dark mode

          Let go! My screen is way darker and don’t need to get blinded by the bright light mode.=D