Voidcaller – A Nothing-Inspired Dialer App!
Another wish. I would like the tags under the contact name that are recorded in the contact card to be visible on the ‘recent calls’ screen.
Alexshax Great idea! We’ll definitely consider adding this feature in a future update. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Plz give the discord like also make it permanent not a temporary link for 1 day or 7 days
this is beautiful compared to Ndial i hope its not as buggy as Ndial and this perfectly matchs with the UI style by nothing i hope they hire you guys to make this the default app. EXCITED!
I hope it has a call recording feature.
RANDOMRANDOM_8hCNRIZAF0 I can assure you it will be less buggy than N Dial.
I haven’t noticed that N-Dial was glitchy. I hope for further development and updates of N-Dial.
Alexshax It depends on device to device. I havent faced a single issue with the current update however users from NP1 and CMF phone are facing app crashes and bugs. Thing is we dont have a lot of good testers as well as wide range of resources. A small team has its own challenges. But we will see what we can do. As of now our focus is on Noting, a notes app and N Dial bugs.
Vivek Bhimani void caller app link please?
Ali Fakhruddin try checking the android supportivity make sure it’s uses android 8 and higher in app development and check if it’s optimised well for older chipset and mtk and the animations could also cause that issue try remaking or tweaking them
Blobby We made it clear to everyone that it will be fine for devices above Android 13. Since its totally offline the device chip plays a big role indeed.
Ali Fakhruddin try lowering to android 8 and check we did the same with ours it fixed 98% of the crashes
Blobby Sure. Will do.
1. Android Version: try lowering the minimum support to Android 8 we did this and it fixed 98% of our crashes
2. Device Chip: since it’s offline certain chips might struggle testing on various chipsets and optimizing code for different architectures could help
3. Animations/UI: complex animations might cause issues especially on lower end devices simplifying or tweaking these animations could improve stability
These were the stuff we did to make the app stable u can inform it to Aryan
Blobby Ohh okay. So youre in touch with Aryan?
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Ali Fakhruddin not too much we do chat here and there
Vivek Bhimani hey how to download void caller dialer app????????