My Expensesive Device have many good Camera Features I’ve seen in the Community people posting pictures in Expert they are really amazing pictures.

These are Some Camera Expert Mode Options! Anyone please Help me to understand these Expert mode options.

I want to learn as well to click some good pictures as well!

If you’ll do so, I’ll be thankful to you guys! I just wanna utilise all these fe


Derren changed the title to What Do These Camera Options Mean? | Expert Mode .

Hi, i would say like this

AF - auto focus. This means that camera automatically tries to detect focus point/-s in frame. I have MF on my NP2 and that gives you ability to change manually focus point in your frame. So if you want something stand out on blurry background its useful.

WB - white balance, shortly allows to change warmth for your photo (how bluish or yellowish picture will be)

S - shutter speed … changing this impacts how dark/light will be your picture. F.e. if you shoot dark outside, like sky, you want really long exposure, but dont forget slower will be shutter speed more blurry picture can turn out.

ISO - sensitivity of light. For standard situation i would say don’t mess with this, keep it around 200. It could be handy in low light situation, when you want keep fast shutterspeed but want also lighter picture. !warning going over to iso 800 definitely cause noise/grainy pictures so be careful. At least for my NP2 its like that.

EV - exposure value. Changing this will impact all picture colors how light, dark they will be.

Honestly, just go out take some picture and experiment that will give you good examples what happens changing those settings, of course you can read more on internet. This is nothing new …. Its basics of photography. I use this expert mode in low light situation or if i want achieve some particular look. Normally i go 70% with standard photo mode and keep this expert for special occasions, but its nice to have it.

    Sumit2024 Yeah indeed it’s MF (manual focus)… upss 😅 AF- auto focus this means that camera try detect focus point automatically. On my NP2 there is MF so i described what i used it for.

    Expert means manual mode. Just search Youtube for Manual DSLR photography mode.