I m on open beta still haven’t got the update
📱 Phone (2) - Nothing OS 2.5 Changelog
VaibhavPednekar_9uJdKVhJBV 1st issue has solution other than restart go to settings of lock screen icon and just do anything like removing and re adding icon
They will appear again
mr_rohanambekar Just charge your phone above 50% and install the update. You don’t need to do anything else. Reset is not necessary at all but if you still want to do it, you may backup, reset and restore after upgrade.
How to get new widgets? Now on 2.5.1 but new widgets not showing also updated the nothing lancher
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OS 2.5 in the US arrived this morning. A great Christmas present
Merry Christmas all!
Most of the feature requests/customisations requested by users(including me) have not been incorporated in this update. It feels as if only a version iteration has been done. Don’t know whether the requested customisations will be included in upcoming updates. Anyway, thanks for the update(i guess).
Sakumo thanks for helping me in this confusion, as i purchased phone 2 two weeks ago so I don’t think reset is necessary. Right ?
Updating to nothing os 2.5 , as benchmark score are decreased in geekbench and antutu . Should i worry ?
SiddheshShanbhag I can’t believe they didn’t do what you told them to do. I mean, don’t they know who you are?
Magicdesign yeah i said that i leave nothing (what i did, i bought a Sony for the sake of stability) and they came with a update…. Offcourse this update is special… they made it for me whahahahaha
I just installed it, and i must say…. All the problems that i faced…. Are gone…BUT i’m only in it for a couple of hours. So let’s see where we get.
I did a ota update, didn’t reset and everything works like it should..so far so good.
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Magicdesign Ummm, i’m one of the person who trusted that customer feedback would be treated with seriousness and would be worked upon. And guess what, i’m not alone who feels disappointed. Besides, there’s a reason why the feedback option exists…
mr_rohanambekar let it chilling in few days after using 2.5.1, then do again benchmark.
Also, if the score is decreased, does your phone have performance issues? If your phone is smooth and has no issues, why do you want to worry?
Excellent update! Thank you very much
SergioMart_nez_ztk3HxjDIX Well, I don’t know what screen you might get, if you write to me privately and send me a screenshot, maybe I can help you.
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I am facing a bug that is my nothing launcher just freezes and completely stops working. I can access settings from notification panel and force close the launcher app still it doesn’t work.
I have to restart the device to get it working
Shyam Well, it could be a misinterpretation or maybe a bad translation because I use an English translator and your translation or mine may not be very accurate. The update except the alarm clock issue, I don’t understand how Nothing has not solved this serious problem, the rest works perfectly and I also very much agree with your comment and point of view about OTAs.
One issue in OS2.5 Phone 2, after restart the wallpaper get changed automatically.
mr_rohanambekar yes there is no need to reset it. I haven’t reset my phone after update and I have not seen any issue so far.