Pokémon - Nothing Product Codenames
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Now that some time has passed and we’ve seen a few more product releases, i thought it would be a fantastic idea to revive this thread and update the list!
We’ve since seen the likes of Ear (stick) codenamed Bellosom, Ear (2) codenamed Azumarill and Phone (2) codenamed Alakazam.
Aipom : Ear (1)
Ampharos : ?
Arceus : Power (1) ?
Ariados : ?
Abra : Phone (1)
Alakazam : Phone (2)
Azelf : ?
Aerodactyl : Phone (2a)
Bellossom : Ear (stick)
Azumarill : Ear (2)
Anorith : ?
Bastiodon : ?
What are your thoughts regarding some of these other codenames? do you think we’ll be seeing some of these pokemon make an appearence in the near future? and most importantly what product do you think they will be?
The eagle eyed amongst you may have also noticed some easter eggs such as this Alakazam and Azumarill in the Ear (stick) launch video. Or how about this Pikachu hiding beside Carl in the Ear (1) launch video, now thats a tough one to spot!
Have you noticed any of these lying around? Let us know below what you’ve found
Derren Taken from this early video - Nothing Updates #1
We know what Aipom and Abra are, but what about Arceus?
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Do the CMF by Nothing products have Pokémon codenames?
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Derren Corsola for CMF buds pro…
Masterteddy well I found a reference to Corsola for CMF Buds Pro which IS a Pokémon
does beer and apparel get code names?
Anonymous142 interesting question.
So…where do we think Power (1) fits?
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I have a strong feeling that Power (1) is Arceus.
If you go to the link that Luios shared, Akis can be heard saying “Ear (1) was Aipom, next up Arceus and then Abra”. In the Power (1) video Carl mentions that it was “Slated to be released after the Ear (1)”. By that logic it makes sense that Power (1) would be Arceus.
The only thing that threw me off momentarily was this frame from the video in which we can see a Kirlia card. However since this b-roll was filmed recently for this video i have a feeling this has been put in place to represent something we havent seen yet.
Let me know what you think.
Looks like we shall soon have an answer to what Aerodactyl shall be!
Absolutely loving the codenames with Pokémon references! Hope this is a trend that continues!
Aerodactyl for Phone 2(a) ?
It’s time to review this discussion again!
Some of you may have noticed Carl’s teasers regarding a new phone and a certain Pokemon, Aerodactyl.
I’ve already seen a lot of speculation in regards to what this may be, but i would love to hear some more thoughts.
Also we have a few codenames still unknown in the list above, anyone willing to hazard a guess as to what some of them may be?
bumping as on the latest community update - we saw a Cleffa sitting on the shelf . https://www.pokemoncenter.com/en-gb/product/701-06206/cleffa-sitting-cuties-plush-4-in so speculations on this? I am guessing it’s CMF related perhaps.