Same here guys
Phone (2a) Launch Event Tickets - Delhi 🇮🇳
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Anyone have extra ticket?
tech_quantum I got mine on the 14th for the event
anyone having only one extra ticket - please do share….I can buy
Want to attend event but tickets are out of stock
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All Tickets sold out will there be another sale for the tickets
I am very excited to join the Event
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Hi all, extra tickets just went live! [EDIT: these tickets are now sold out]
Yea! Super excited to join the launch event.
Natalie got it
Lol purchased 4 instead of 2 by mistake. Can’t even cancel it. :\
Hi @Natalie
Thank you , Please, can you give details on what goodies or merchandise will be given?
Abhi I need a ticket
Kashif new tickets r out again.. Plzz book fast.
Nkk now in stock check
suren_gupta same question from my side.
SyedShareemAhmad Buy it directly. It is available.
SyedShareemAhmad hey please check it still available you can book now
My younger cousin wants to go but ticket site says 18+ only. is this true, and if it is why is it like that