So far I have seen no benefits crying, so being light hearted is what I prefer.

Not blaming anybody for my buying a cheap “flagship” from a relatively new company and that it turned out to be just another low/medium quality phone is what I got from thinking that some of the hype could be coming from more than just the strange (silly) light on the backside of the phone.
Having read about the battery problems on the ear-plugs it is clear that when goal is to have the lightest tiniest things to put in ears to get sound from is not surprising, On Amazon and eBay you can buy earplugs (Edifier has some good sounding ones) several times better and far cheaper than the ones NOTHING make. That the membranes in the ear are chosen because of low weight instead of sound quality is another thing.
For fan-boys thinking that a brand without a name (NOTHING) is what is top of it all, the company will have a chance to sell low quality budget devices.
Where I live the 2A is available on the net, but not sold in any shops, Phone2 were.
Do not like the phones from Apple (my little one has the latest from them) and see no other phones worth trying so will go back to Samsung with all the bloat they have in their phones, the bloat that luckily is very easy to get completely rid of.