Why does this phone from carl’s post have two buttons on the right side? 🧐

    ArghyajyotiMondal In my opinion, design wise they should just follow google AOSP for now.. and work on the camera improvements and more features on the launcher, add-in more features and settings like nova provides. Like in nova, we can select custom icons, and also tweak the app drawer more than the nothing launcher. A lot of a14 features also missing, like the ability to change the lockscreen font, which is highlight feature on a14, but we in nothing didn’t get it. Forced to use the nothing logo font, which can be nice for the brand, but for the phone, hard to read when taking a quick glance.

    CHRISTOPHERROBINSON_Pv5o6Dnakj Yes looks neat, but not the wifi symbol. This is Android.. stick to Android, don’t need to copy iOS. For brightness slider, I also think they need to add a toggle or button or icon or something which can shift between “auto” and “manual.”

    Guys i am really happy with what you are doing i much appreciate it

    But can we pls go back to what the customer and loyal fans of nothing brand really need??

    The basic need of a android mobile company

    Nothing dialer app

    Nothing gallery app

    Wherever i talk about it in instagram, in community i either i got likes or my post is moved to some request section….

    What kind community is this if what i say is not being heard to the ones who are responsible

    I hope they see this post and give us the basic apps as soon as possible

    Not a demand but a kind request😐

      That’s amazing but please do introduce haptics on vol - vol+ , while selecting any quick settings. It will be more aesthetic and cooler


      For gallery, plenty of choice on the play store.. Example.. Fossify. It’s open source, clean, practical, editor, no ads, free, secure can lock app.

      Android already have photo readers actually, adding another app is bloatware. If still want bloatware, can go for Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, Samsung, Realme, a lot of choices. Later users shouldn’t complain, “nothing OS is not as smooth as how i bought it”

      Anyway good news for you, gallery app is coming later this year. Confirmed by Carl Pei already. Be patient.

      Please revamp the brightness slider to the same as existing like nothing is 2.5 a bit small that grows when slided

      Everything else looks good. But it will be the worst if they don’t allow to remove that earphone widget thing. I don’t use earphones that much and it would be in the way all the time. This is also one of the problems in Nothing OS 2.5. The top two tiles in the quick settings panel can’t be changed and as I don’t use Bluetooth that much, they’re useless for me. Also why are they going with the old Android style of round quick settings? The new pill shaped design in Stock Android is far better and would like Nothing to stick to it.

        Yes hopefully it can be removed. I also don’t use nothing ear. Bluetooth togle is missing in the picture, so it must be showing bluetooth toggle if no noting ear connected.

        Round style is better.. pill shape without the “text/label” will worst use of space.

        Carl Pei brings more such unique features. I’m all for it.

        KarthickPeriyasamy bro send these requests on feedback in the phone’s settings. Here, it’s just to discuss and know more about the company and it’s products.

        Rivan I’m guessing that’s the Bluetooth QS tile - it’s just showing the Ear (a) as the connected Bluetooth device.

        Can we get a less messy screen recorder? The AOSP screen recorder sucks hard.

        The features everyone wants is Dolby Atmos…??? Will it come in next update… ???